News, Media and Stories | Current Students

Inspired by the American Physical Therapy Association’s National Student Conclave last year in Portland, the Oregon Physical Therapy Association's Student Leadership Committee hosted its first half-day state student conference on Jan. 23, 2019. 
Pacific wins its fourth consecutive combined men and women's national team title and captures four individual crowns as well.
Jacqueline Keeler
Jacqueline Keeler to present “How Native American Sports Mascots Disappear Native People” on Thursday, Feb. 28
Dr. Semahagn Gashu Abebe will speak on "The Changes and Challenges of Democratic Transition in sub-Saharan Africa."
Lois Hornberger
Retiring director Lois Hornberger and husband Dan create a scholarship for juniors and seniors.
Film Screenshot
Several Pacific students had films selected for viewing at film festivals last fall.
Bzowyckyj has been selected by the American Pharmacists Association to receive its Distinguished Achievement Award in Service.
I sat down with theatre major Jenna Cady '19 to discuss their upcoming capstone performance of Savage/Love by Sam Shepard and Joseph Chaikin that will be in Giving Voice: A Senior Showcase. Giving Voice will run February 7 through 9 at 7:30 p.m. and February 10 at 2 p.m.
I sat down with theatre major Elise Dixon '19 to discuss her upcoming capstone performance of Tongues by Sam Shepard and Joseph Chaikin that will be in Giving Voice: A Senior Showcase. Giving Voice will run February 7 through 9 at 7:30 p.m. and February 10 at 2 p.m.
