News, Media and Stories | Current Events

Richard Lapchick
Noted author, ethicist and activist Richard Lapchick comes to Pacific University’s Forest Grove Campus to discuss “The Power of Business & Sport to Bring About Positive Social Change” in a free public lecture on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 6 p.m.
Kyle Degman OD ’22 Receives Student Award
Kyle Degman ’19, OD ’22 was presented the 2022 Pacific University College of Optometry Vision Development Award for Excellence in Vision Therapy.
Black Lives Matter demonstration
Pacific University Psychology Professors Mike Christopher and Matt Hunsinger didn’t anticipate that their research would so closely track the headlines. It just turned out that way. And now they're finding that work has particular resonance as America grapples with questions of inherent racism in the systems of justice and law enforcement.
Zaman Ahmar
Pacific University Assistant Professor Ahmar Zaman, along with doctoral student Esther Fiore PsyD '26 and another co-author, published an op-ed in the Washington Post about what is required in an appropriate apology.
Pacific University Politics and Government Department Chair and Professor Jules Boykoff is a go-to voice of skepticism about the Games, and a particular critic of the choice to award them to Beijing. He offers an overview about these Olympics.
Joy Harjo
Poet Laureate Joy Harjo will be joining Pacific University's Visiting Writers Series at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28. 
Far Away, a play by Caryl Churchill, comes to Pacific as the fall 2021 theater production. The play asks the toughest questions we're grappling with now: how our actions affect others near and far. What are we choosing to ignore? And have we made the environment irreversibly unlivable? And yet, because of the magic of Churchill’s imagery and language — and because it has the quality of a fable — we don’t want to look away.
Spokane "recruits" to Forest Grove Indian Training School
Two historians have compiled and published a sortable list of Native people who died while attending two boarding schools for Indigenous Americans in Oregon. The online resource, which covers deaths dating back to 1881, documents approximately 275 students and 30 non-students who were buried at the Chemawa School Cemetery near Salem, and two who are buried in unmarked graves at the Forest View Cemetery in Forest Grove.
Celebrate Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month 2021
Former US Ambassador to Afghanistan Ronald Neumann wfor a lecture on "Reflections of Afghanistan."
