The collected papers of Pacific alumnus and former U.S. Rep. Les AuCoin are now available to researchers, students and others at the Tran Library at Pacific University.
News, Media and Stories | Magazine
In the June issue of Pacific magazine, we note the passage of 50 years since the enactment of Title IX, the civil rights amendment that sought to ensure that women are treated as if they are equal to men. Many things have changed in America and at Pacific University since then.
One president is leaving; one is entering. They share a vision for Pacific University.
For the past 13 years, Dr. Lesley Hallick has led Pacific through a period of unparalleled growth and strength, culminating in navigating the university through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Jenny Coyle will become the 18th president in Pacific University’s 173-year history this July. She is the first alumna to lead Pacific as president.
Pacific University's academic and extracurricular engagement with the outdoors may be traced to the first Earth Day in 1970.
When Title IX was enacted into law in 1972, few at Pacific University seemed to take notice. But it's clear in retrospect that the world of higher education had changed.
As Pacific contemplated its mission in the 1970s, it looked to health professions studies as a way to complement the traditional liberal arts.
Pacific University will induct its first all-women’s Athletic Hall of Fame class this spring, aligning with the 50th anniversary of Title IX, which opened doors for more women’s sports nationwide. The 26th induction class includes women’s basketball standout Brenda (Roberson) Edlund ’93, National Champion women’s wrestler Kapua (Torres) Keefe ’07, and the 1980 softball team.