News, Media and Stories | Current Students

Mohammed Alabdulal PharmD ‘23 began his academic journey toward a pharmacy degree in August 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. With classes online, he was able to remain with his family in Saudi Arabia while staying in school. But it hasn’t been easy:
Alyssa Strohbusch PharmD ’18
Alyssa Strohbusch PharmD ’18 didn’t grow up dreaming of a career in pharmacy. But today, two years after completing her doctor of pharmacy at Pacific University, she is a neuro-oncology specialist at the Miami Cancer Institute. She offers some advice for students in the Pacific University School of Pharmacy.
Graphic representation of the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on Dec. 21, 2020
A rare alignment of the solar system's two largest planets offers a phenomenal view — if the clouds cooperate.
When wildfires rampaged through Oregon, some students took direct action. By doing so, they helped keep some homes and structures from being destroyed. Then they went back to their classes.
From the Board of Trustees
As we approach the end of 2020 members of the Board of Trustees want to tell each and every one of you — students, faculty, staff, deans and directors, President Hallick and her leadership team — how deeply we appreciate your efforts and cooperation in this challenging year of COVID-19. 
Canned food on shelves
Now, more than ever, people and families are struggling with hunger and need assistance, due to the disruption caused by the pandemic. Find out how to access food resources and how to make a financial contribution to Boxer Food Share and help alleviate the barriers of food insecurity.
For many students, winter break means taking a much-needed break from school, catching up on some sleep, and traveling home. However, it can also entail a mix of emotions and experiences – happiness, weird family dynamics – and this year, concerns about COVID-19. The Student Counseling Center offers some tips on how to adapt to changing environments over the holiday season. 
Taylor Gillespie '15, MBA '17 poses on the Hillsboro Campus
“The true beneficiaries of the accreditation are students who can pursue their Pacific University business and MBA degrees with confidence and pride," said Associate Dean Jennifer Yruegas.
Charlotte Basch '14
The anthropology-sociology alumna earned a master's in museum anthropology and launched her career working with museums, schools and tribes to expand education around Northwest tribal history and culture.
Brittany Hartmann and Jordan Slavish
Brittany Hartmann '13, MAT '14 is prepared for America to see how she helps Santa make a fast getaway.
